Saturday, May 21, 2011

change (in the house of flies)

Hi all. So I'm starting to get confused. I'm looking at the scales and it says that I haven't lost an ounce of weight. Still flat at 54kg and not moving anywhere. But then I'm feeling thinner. My boots are looser. Some clothes that I was squeezing into at 54kg are now fitting much better and aren't so tight. And when I look in the mirror, my abs look more defined than before. So I don't know what's going on.

I want to drop weight like I did at the start of the year, a few pounds a week and I could see the difference. I've not lost weight for so long that I don't even know if I can anymore. I'm so discouraged right now, I don't understand, I'm looking forward to this week being over so I can go home again and have access to a gym. Dieting is much harder at home though, so I don't know. I'm hoping I'll be so busy that I can skip breakfast and lunch and then get to have a small dinner to keep the people at home happy then work out to work it all off.

But I've made plans like this before and not followed them. Which depresses me. I'm hoping to lose weight this week. Maybe I'll do some sit ups and push ups in my tiny little hostel room and hope that that helps the general effort.

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